The Federation of Darlington Nursery Schools


Federation School Improvement Priorities for 2023-2024

The last few years have been a challenge for us all. The impact of COVID cannot be denied, however, we believe the nursery schools are well equipped to identify and address the disruption and meet the changing needs of our pupils and families.

As educators it is important, we have strong emotional resilience and good mental health to help us cope with the daily challenges life brings. This year we are reflecting on how we can individually and collectively find ways to develop a positive mindset.

Understanding the strengths, interests and needs of our children is what we do well, but we always want to do better. Defining what inclusive practice looks like in our schools will help us to provide an environment that ensures all children are thriving.

 This year our professional development program for all educators will be strengthened and improved through evidence-based practice linked to improving communication and language skills for pupils. 


We believe that our curriculum ‘Responding to Process’ will enable our pupils to become competent, confident learners and communicators and that our approach to teaching and learning will provide children with the essential knowledge and skills that will help them to cope with uncertainty and make the most of opportunities as and when they are presented.  

Our motto ‘Precious Moments Today, Creative Children Tomorrow’ fundamentally embodies our pedagogy, our beliefs and practice and our values are at the core of everything we do.  They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as creative, confident, capable and above all else happy citizens.

As part of our ongoing school development we have identified the following key priorities for 2023-2024.

Priority 1: Learning and Development

Maintain high quality teaching and learning

To continue to engage in evidence-based research which improves children’s wellbeing and language development, and outcomes and helps to engage parents and families.

Success Criteria

  • Increased staff confidence and skill
  • Increased parental confidence, involvement and engagement
  • A language rich environment and high-quality interactions
  • Improved outcomes for pupils and parents through creativity and play (More children reaching typically expected outcomes)
  • Improved skills of parents to meet Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

Priority 2:

Equalities and inclusion apply to all children and families

To ensure all children feel included and valued in a positive and supportive environment which meets their needs and enables them to thrive.

Success Criteria

  • Improved outcomes for all pupils because children reach their potential.
  • All children and their families will be valued.
  • A warm, welcoming and supportive environment for all children.
  • Positive relationships between children and adults.
  • All children will be provided with equal opportunities to participate and learn.
  • Promoting equality and tackling discrimination.
  • Increased educator confidence in defining inclusion across the Federation

Priority 3:

Health and Wellbeing of the Community

To strengthen emotional resilience across the Federation community so that educators and children are better able to manage stress, challenges, trauma or adversity that life brings and bounce back from it. 

Success criteria

Children and staff

  • are more confident, curious and adaptable to the world around them.
  • Successful implementation of the wellbeing toolkit.
  • embrace new learning opportunities and improve academic attainment.
  • feel, express and manage positive and negative emotions.
  • form and maintain good relationships with others.
  • Are better at solving problems
  • Believe in themselves and their abilities


Priority 4:

To develop leadership further at all levels, ensuring all leaders have effective support in place to ensure that the nursery can be sustainably managed and future proof.

Success Criteria

  • The LA, Governors and SLT will have an effective recovery plan in place.
  • Improved outcomes for children
  • A happy, safe and stimulating environment where everyone is encouraged to be resilient, collaborative, resourceful and thoughtful.
  • Leaders of learning