The Federation of Darlington Nursery Schools


Inclusive Practice

As early years educators it is important to us that we celebrate the uniqueness of our learners and appreciate the different pathways children will take to acquire learning and understanding. We want our children to feel welcome and that they belong in our nursery. 

Knowing a child's strengths and their interests helps us to introduce relevant and appropriate experiences and opportunities that bring children a sense of success and achievement and this is our main goal.

We talk a lot about typical development in the early years which relies on children achieving  expected outcomes at a given stage of development, however, the unique child will develop at different rates and in different ways. We are working hard, therefore, to adapt our language when we talk about children who are developing differently; who may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Instead of thinking about what is wrong with a child, we think about what is different?

Hopefully by changing our language we can ensure all children thrive and flourish.