Core Rhymes Books and Themes for 2024-2025
Orchard Room |
Term |
Rhymes |
Core Books |
Themes |
Autumn 1 |
Twinkle Twinkle Wind the Bobbin up |
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Argh Spider |
Halloween |
Autumn 2 |
Incy Wincy Spider Baa Baa Black Sheep |
Peace at Last Kippers toybox |
Guy Fawkes Christmas |
Spring 1 |
Open Shut them Miss Polly had a Dolly |
Owl Babies Guess How much I love you |
Valentines Day |
Spring 2 |
1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive Heads, Shoulders |
Elmer The Very Hungry Caterpillar |
Mothers Day Easter World Book Day |
Summer 1 |
Ring a Ring of Roses Here a baby |
Dear Zoo |
Summer 2 |
The Wheels on the Bus Old Macdonald |
The Tiger who Came to Tea |
Fathers Day |
Woodlands Room
woodlands core books sept 24.pdf